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HD-1: If votes supporting Republicans in the legislature are cows, Tyler Lindholm is all hat no cattle.

In HD-1 vote for the candidate that will stand with the Republican Party, Chip Neiman. The Bad Choice Evidence-based Wyoming ranks Tyler Lindholm as a liberal Republican. In 2020, in at least 80 votes, he voted against his party’s majority. Nine of those times, it caused the Republicans majority to lose those votes. On top… Read More »HD-1: If votes supporting Republicans in the legislature are cows, Tyler Lindholm is all hat no cattle.

Convention, Conversation, and Correction

On Friday, June 26th, I attended the Wyoming Republican Convention. This year is the first year that I had a booth for my legislative ranking system. It’s been an exciting experience so far. I conversed with thirty or more Republicans of all stripes.   One of the more interesting conversations was with Rep. Jared Olsen (R-Cheyenne)… Read More »Convention, Conversation, and Correction

Let’s “Throw the bums out”

So the campaign season is here. Many candidates are already canvassing their districts. The sense is that COVID-19 absentee and early voting, which begins July 3rd, will be critical in this year’s election. Last night saw a debate for state legislative office last night in Campbell County. It was lively with the incumbents, especially Rep.… Read More »Let’s “Throw the bums out”