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Dan Crenshaw is a Rockstar, I wish we could get him to come and school our state legislators

It’s to bad he’s not from Wyoming, the world could use a few more cowboys like him. Applying this to our state, I think of our legislators, especially my legislators from Campbell County. especially from Campbell Country. Medicaid expansion, it’s free money. We need to spend more on state government, for roads, for education, for… Read More »Dan Crenshaw is a Rockstar, I wish we could get him to come and school our state legislators

The curious case of Representative Roscoe

One of the question I am frequently asked is “How do you know your data and conclusions are accurate?” Let’s look at the interesting case of Representative Jim Roscoe to find an answer. In many ways he represents the perfect test case. He served in the legislature for several years as a Democrat, until he… Read More »The curious case of Representative Roscoe

Help end the deception of Wyoming politics!

For a long time, lots of Wyomingites (except for Democrats and their political birds of a feather the liberal Republicans) have wanted to stop cross over voting in the primary election. The idea being lets Republicans choose their best candidate and the Democrats choose their best and then let them fight it out during the… Read More »Help end the deception of Wyoming politics!

Wyoming Budget Information

Here is some useful information headed into the 2020 Legislative session. Best start with reading the budget factbook from the State of Wyoming. Here is a quick summary of the budget information of the various states as of January 12, 2020. The data is from Wikipedia which sources their data to the state legislators across… Read More »Wyoming Budget Information

I-80 Tolls, Get It Done!

Senator MIchael Von Flatern and I both come from back east originally. I grew up in Rochester New York, 60 miles east of Buffalo right off of I-90 and the good Lord willing I’ll die 60 miles east of Buffalo right of I-90, just 1600 miles west in my beloved Gillette. Senator Von Flatern (R-Campbell)… Read More »I-80 Tolls, Get It Done!

Why Wyoming Is Doomed to Higher Taxes and Lower Economic Growth in One Table

2020 is upon us, and Wyoming’s future hangs in the balance, and it doesn’t look like we’re going to weather the storm. Before getting started, please take a moment to pause and note that everyone in our legislature and elected offices act with the best of intentions, doing their best for their constituents and Wyoming… Read More »Why Wyoming Is Doomed to Higher Taxes and Lower Economic Growth in One Table