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Senator Tom James is a Rock Star

If you don’t know Senator Tom James, a Republican representing Sweetwater County, you should. He’s helped improve the transparency of Wyoming government spending more in his first term than just about any other politician. has been for three years trying to shed light on where the spending in Wyoming is centered. They’ve done great work… Read More »Senator Tom James is a Rock Star

Frontier Republicans – about civility or control?

So the Frontier Republicans are demanding civility in Wyoming’s political discourse. Is that what they want, or are their motives more sinister? Recently an email was sent out from the Frontier Republicans calling for civility while in different forums they vilifyied others as extremists and implied they are cockroaches. (Yeah, they really did that, they… Read More »Frontier Republicans – about civility or control?

Frontier Republicans – the new way to avoid accountability

A lot of chatter has been generated lately by a new group calling themselves ‘Frontier Republicans.’ This group believes that the Republican Party has been taken over by extremists. These ‘Frontier Republicans’ claim they represent the ‘real Republican Party’ and demand that there ‘should be no litmus test to be a Republican.’ Frontier Republicans are… Read More »Frontier Republicans – the new way to avoid accountability

2020 Voting Record – Wyoming House Democrats

This post will show the latest analysis in table form comparing each legislator against the Minority Floor Leader Rep Connolly as the representative of the Democrats and Speaker of the House Harshman as the representative of the Republicans. Links 2020 Voting Record – Wyoming House Republicans 2020 Voting Record Wyoming House of Representatives 2020 Legislative… Read More »2020 Voting Record – Wyoming House Democrats

2020 Voting Record – Wyoming House Republicans

This post will show the latest analysis in table form comparing each legislator against the Minority Floor Leader Rep Connolly as the representative of the Democrats and Speaker of the House Harshman as the representative of the Republicans. Links 2020 Voting Record – Wyoming House Democrats 2020 Voting Record Wyoming House of Representatives 2020 Legislative… Read More »2020 Voting Record – Wyoming House Republicans

2020 Voting Record Wyoming House of Representatives

The latest analysis in table form comparing each legislator against the Minority Floor Leader Rep Connolly as the representative of the Democrats and Speaker of the House Harshman as the representative of the Republicans. Links 2020 Voting Record – Wyoming House Democrats 2020 Voting Record – Wyoming House Republicans 2020 Legislative Analysis Full Results

February 14, 2020 Update

The data update for the Legislative Analysis Tool is complete. Once again a member of Republican Leadership is near the top of the table in agreeing with the Democrats most. Representative Barlow, the Majority Floor Leader agrees with the votes of Democrat Minority Floor Leader more than 88% of the time. This outdoes yesterday’s record… Read More »February 14, 2020 Update

February 13, 2020 Update

The Evidence-Based Wyoming Legislative Analysis Tool has been updated to include the voting in the legislature on February 12, 2020. Not too surprisingly there was a shift in the parties as no fewer than 17 Republicans voting records are closer to the average Democrat than the average Republican. This is likely caused by the number… Read More »February 13, 2020 Update