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Wyoming Conservatives Saddle Up for Victory: A Bold Shift in the 2024 Primaries!

  • Politics
  • 2 min read

Wyoming just reminded everyone why it’s the backbone of American conservatism! The 2024 Republican Primary wasn’t just another election—it was a declaration of independence from the liberal-leaning, big-spending policies of the past. The voters made their voices heard loud and clear: Wyoming is ready for a return to true conservative values, and they’re not backing… Read More »Wyoming Conservatives Saddle Up for Victory: A Bold Shift in the 2024 Primaries!

Before you vote

In a week where the Wyoming political landscape is rife with underhanded tactics, the same individuals who regularly bemoan the lack of civility are showing just how hollow their claims really are. These actions reveal the panic of those who see their influence slipping. Their conduct, completely at odds with their professed commitment to civility… Read More »Before you vote

They’re Betting You Won’t Care — Go Vote

  • Politics
  • 3 min read

The far-left politicians posing as Republicans are in a full-blown, wild-eyed panic, throwing money around like drunken sailors in a last-ditch attempt to cling to power. They babble on about “civility” in government, but make no mistake—these people wouldn’t recognize civility if it walked up and slapped them across the face. The only thing they’re… Read More »They’re Betting You Won’t Care — Go Vote

Bureaucratic Capture in Wyoming: The Influence of Governor Gordon and the State’s Political Dynamics

  • Politics
  • 7 min read

Introduction Wyoming, often recognized as one of the most conservative states in the United States, is experiencing a political paradox. Despite its overwhelmingly conservative electorate, the state’s government and leadership frequently exhibit moderate or even liberal tendencies. This article explores this phenomenon through the lens of “Bureaucratic Capture,” a theory suggesting that as a significant… Read More »Bureaucratic Capture in Wyoming: The Influence of Governor Gordon and the State’s Political Dynamics

Misleading Wyoming

Critical Critique of Governor Gordon’s Fact Check Wyoming Website Introduction The Fact Check Wyoming website, endorsed and promoted by Governor Mark Gordon, purports to provide accurate information to counter “out-of-state lies” and special interest agendas. While the website aims to present itself as a guardian of truth for Wyoming voters, a critical examination reveals significant… Read More »Misleading Wyoming

2024 House of Representatives Rankings

I’ve been remiss in not publishing a link to the Evidence-Based Wyoming ranking of the House of Representatives from the 2024 session. Rankings for Budget Session 2024 – Evidence-Based Wyoming Legislators Analysis Tool The site has a new feature where you can select the legislator you want to find, and their name will appear on… Read More »2024 House of Representatives Rankings

The Hypocrisy of Civility in Politics: How The Wyoming Caucus, Americans for Prosperity and their Enablers Uses LBJ-Style Dirty Tricks Against Wyoming Conservatives

In politics, “civility” is often touted as a virtue that all candidates should uphold. Calls for civil discourse are made by both parties, implying that respect and decorum should guide political debate. However, these calls for civility can sometimes serve as little more than a smokescreen, obscuring underhanded tactics designed to discredit opponents. One of… Read More »The Hypocrisy of Civility in Politics: How The Wyoming Caucus, Americans for Prosperity and their Enablers Uses LBJ-Style Dirty Tricks Against Wyoming Conservatives

Who are the big spenders in the Wyoming House of Representatives?

[Scorings finalized March 7, 2024] Analysis of Wyoming Legislative Spending: Eyebrows Raised and Jaws Dropped A deep dive into the fiscal antics of Wyoming’s legislators has unveiled some eyebrow-raising revelations, thanks to a dataset that doesn’t shy away from exposing the budget amendment votes. This preliminary scrutiny, ripe for future eyebrow-raising revisions, slices through the… Read More »Who are the big spenders in the Wyoming House of Representatives?

The Shakedown of Wyoming’s HB-0019: A Tale of Educational Hijacking

The transformation of Wyoming’s once-promising Education Savings Account (ESA) bill, HB-0019, into its current form resembles less a legislative process and more a classic mob-style shakedown. This supposed educational reform, initially championed to empower parents, has been hijacked by unseen forces, subtly molding it to serve the interests of a powerful education bureaucracy. As we… Read More »The Shakedown of Wyoming’s HB-0019: A Tale of Educational Hijacking

Rating the Raters: Unmasking WYCAP’s ‘Conservative’ Scores – A Tale of Transparency, Twists, and Tenuous Truths

Have you come across the latest ‘transparent’ conservative rating site? It claims to be a beacon of truth, but a closer look reveals a different story. In an unexpected twist, the Wyoming Conservatice Accountability Project (WYCAP) legislator rating system ranks all five Democrats as more conservative than those often labeled as ultra-conservative, MAGA Republicans, or… Read More »Rating the Raters: Unmasking WYCAP’s ‘Conservative’ Scores – A Tale of Transparency, Twists, and Tenuous Truths