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2024 Issues

Who are the big spenders in the Wyoming House of Representatives?

[Scorings finalized March 7, 2024] Analysis of Wyoming Legislative Spending: Eyebrows Raised and Jaws Dropped A deep dive into the fiscal antics of Wyoming’s legislators has unveiled some eyebrow-raising revelations, thanks to a dataset that doesn’t shy away from exposing the budget amendment votes. This preliminary scrutiny, ripe for future eyebrow-raising revisions, slices through the… Read More »Who are the big spenders in the Wyoming House of Representatives?

The Shakedown of Wyoming’s HB-0019: A Tale of Educational Hijacking

The transformation of Wyoming’s once-promising Education Savings Account (ESA) bill, HB-0019, into its current form resembles less a legislative process and more a classic mob-style shakedown. This supposed educational reform, initially championed to empower parents, has been hijacked by unseen forces, subtly molding it to serve the interests of a powerful education bureaucracy. As we… Read More »The Shakedown of Wyoming’s HB-0019: A Tale of Educational Hijacking