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New Look, New Tools

  • Politics
  • 1 min read

Evidence-Based Wyoming undergoes a lot of analysis, testing, and improvement! This year we have a new look at the website and the legislative tool. The legislative tool has been overhauled. EBW is simpler to use and has more functionality than previous incarnations. Better still EBW now offers the ability to score bills that are important… Read More »New Look, New Tools

Are we solving the right election problem?

  • Politics
  • 1 min read

Getting the run-off election bill done is vital to improving politics in Wyoming. With that in mind, I asked myself if we were fixing the right problem. The Cowboy State Daily was kind enough to publish the article, read it there. (Direct link: Doug Gerard: Solving The Right Election Problem | Cowboy State Daily)

Updated: Gillette College Board Candidate Questions

On July 11th, there was little information out on the candidates to fill the college board of the proposed new community district. I decided to seek information to help me and other voters make an informed choice. To that end, I sent an email asking each candidate to complete a brief survey that should take… Read More »Updated: Gillette College Board Candidate Questions

Highlights in the Wyoming Legislature March 8th, 2021

  • Politics
  • 2 min read

Find the full schedule on Highlights in the House: Stating at 8 am: The House Judiciary Committee hears HB-116 Concealed carry-residency requirement-2. This bill is a must pass. It makes it so any US citizen can conceal carry in Wyoming. Testify Watch Upon noon recess: House Corporations, Elections, and Political Subdivisions, HB-98, HB-113, HB-127 and… Read More »Highlights in the Wyoming Legislature March 8th, 2021

If you voice your opinion, you’re bound to learn something!

Also, context matters! It helps to remember when discussing politics that not everyone has your knowledge or life experiences. Yesterday, I wrote a post that had been stewing in the back of my mind for about two weeks. It concerned HB-106, the much-maligned school choice bill.   School choice, now here’s a pure conservative cause; who… Read More »If you voice your opinion, you’re bound to learn something!