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66th Wyoming Legislature Contact Information

  • Politics
  • 1 min read

Need to contact your Wyoming legislators? Well, look no further here is the contact information for every Wyoming state legislator. You can export all the information to your favorite format!

The bills so far…

The Wyoming Legislature is scheduled to meet soon; let’s examine a few bills due for consideration as of January 5th, 2021. HB 2 School buildings and facilities study: This bill is a $6 million colossal waste of money. Most if not all of the information could be obtained simply by asking the superintendents of each… Read More »The bills so far…

Whatever happened to cowboying up?

Howdy and Happy New Year! Things are starting to heat up as we near the start of 2021’s general legislative session. As is normal, politicians are willing to use any crisis to accomplish their goals. Wyoming’s legislative leadership wants to hold the first part of the critical 2021 General Session online. We need leadership that… Read More »Whatever happened to cowboying up?

The next step for Wyoming?

You may not be aware, but one of the single most consequential events for the next two years in Wyoming is happening this weekend. The newly elected Representative-elects and Senators/Senator-elects are meeting to decide who will fill the legislative leadership roles.   I’d urge you to get involved in this momentous choice. Contact your newly elected… Read More »The next step for Wyoming?

If you can’t win the argument, trash talk!

  • Politics
  • 4 min read

You know you must be winning an argument when your opponents ignore the debate and go right to the personal attacks. I understand Evidence-based Wyoming Legislative Analysis Tool makes individual legislators angry. Thus, I work hard, removing all possible sources of bias, fixing errors when discovered, and taking full blame when the mistakes lead to… Read More »If you can’t win the argument, trash talk!