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Wyoming Conservatives Saddle Up for Victory: A Bold Shift in the 2024 Primaries!

  • Politics
  • 2 min read

Wyoming just reminded everyone why it’s the backbone of American conservatism! The 2024 Republican Primary wasn’t just another election—it was a declaration of independence from the liberal-leaning, big-spending policies of the past. The voters made their voices heard loud and clear: Wyoming is ready for a return to true conservative values, and they’re not backing down!

In a stunning display of grassroots power, long-standing incumbents like Dave Zwonitzer, Dan Zwonitzer, Clark Stith, Fred Berger, Ember Oakley, and Bill Henderson were sent packing. These politicians, with their big government spending habits and liberal tendencies, have finally faced the long overdue reckoning. Wyoming voters decided they’d had enough of the tax-and-spend agenda and opted for a fresh start that aligns with the conservative values this state holds dear.

But while we celebrate these victories, we also pause to acknowledge the bittersweet losses of true conservative champions like Jeanette Ward, Allen Slagel, and Ben Hornok. Their unwavering commitment to conservative principles will not be forgotten, and their absence will be deeply felt in the halls of the state legislature. Wyoming owes them a debt of gratitude for their service and dedication to the cause.

Yet, even amid those losses, there is much to celebrate. Rising stars like Ann Lucas, Mike Schmid, Kevin Campbell, Joe Webb, Nina Webber, and Darin McCann have emerged victorious, and their triumphs are nothing short of exhilarating! These new faces represent the future of conservatism in Wyoming—principled, passionate, and ready to fight for the values that make this state great.

The election results are a clear mandate: Wyoming is rejecting the liberal policies of the past and embracing a new era of fiscal responsibility, limited government, and traditional values. With at least 36 seats now firmly in the hands of conservatives, the victories of Campbell, Webb, and McCann signal a shift towards a more conservative future, where the priorities of Wyomingites come first.

So let’s tip our hats to the voters who made this possible, the candidates who stood up for what’s right, and the bright future that lies ahead for Wyoming. The 2024 primary was a victory for every Wyomingite who believes in the power of conservative principles to shape a prosperous and free future. The Cowboy State has spoken—and it’s time to ride into a new era of conservative leadership with pride and purpose!