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They’re Betting You Won’t Care — Go Vote

  • Politics
  • 3 min read

The far-left politicians posing as Republicans are in a full-blown, wild-eyed panic, throwing money around like drunken sailors in a last-ditch attempt to cling to power. They babble on about “civility” in government, but make no mistake—these people wouldn’t recognize civility if it walked up and slapped them across the face. The only thing they’re afraid of is you showing up to vote.

Look at Americans For Prosperity—a group so dripping in hypocrisy they might as well bottle it and sell it. They’ve been flooding Wyoming with flyers packed full of half-baked lies and shameless smears that make a snake oil salesman seem like a saint. It’s like watching someone peddle a miracle tonic while hoping you don’t notice the fine print that reads, “drains moral integrity, poisons the soul, and suffocates critical thought.”

And then there’s Clark Stith, the diabolical candidate in Rock Springs. In a move that screams desperation, Stith has concocted a scheme straight out of a despotic dictator’s handbook—proposing to disenfranchise his opponent and thousands of other voters across Wyoming. This isn’t just underhanded; it’s downright vile. And guess what? Stith’s got Governor Gordon backing him with his endorsement. They took a page from Hugo Chávez’s Venezuela playbook and thought, “Yeah, that’s how we do it.” This is why we need every Wyoming voter to storm the ballot box and put an end to this madness.

But Stith isn’t the only snake in the grass. Governor Gordon recently tried to pull a fast one on voters with a text message that reeks of desperation, claiming that President Trump is backing his vision for Wyoming. Let’s get this straight: Trump has endorsed exactly one legislative candidate—Darin Smith. And wouldn’t you know it? Gordon is throwing his weight behind another candidate. This isn’t just deceitful; it’s the kind of con job that should get you run out of office and out of the state. We’ve seen this playbook before, and it didn’t end well for Liz Cheney. Governor Gordon deserves to be run out of office — a clear message that deception has no place in our great state.

But here’s the real kicker—they’re betting on you to stay home. In a typical primary, only about 45% of voters show up. They’re counting on your apathy. So, let’s prove them wrong. Let’s push that turnout to 60% or higher and send these scoundrels packing. Show them that Wyomingites aren’t the fools they think we are.

If you’re sick and tired of being played like a sucker, it’s time to fight back. VOTE. Vote to protect Wyoming’s conservative future. Vote to send a message that we won’t be conned by slick-talking politicians and their deep-pocketed cronies. Wyoming belongs to us, the people, and it’s high time we remind them of that.